
King Tyrelian Treborn

The Elder


King: Tyrelian Treborn

Ex wife: Morrigen Iroagen.

Sons: Robrec, Cenyen, Adropol, Tyrwyn Alqwan.

Daughters:  Elora and Ashalaa Alqwan.
Prince Heir: Tyrwyn, whose Neffari mother is Elishelel Alqwan. No one but the King and a few of his trusted men know who he chose as his heir or that Tyrwyn is his son and heir.  Tyrwyn is known only as an officer in his court, the commander of the first cavalry.  Tyrwyn has twin sisters Elora and Ashalaa

Cousins: Horsemaiden Corina and Lieutenant Caleurien Treborn (twins).

Robrec, Cenyen and Adropol

Prince Tyrwyn Alqwan

Riding his Stormcloud stallion Alfaeez

After being crowned prince



The King's right hand blew a breath observing a person of great interest with his wife discreetly, the pair seated at a table adjacent to their own, and looked to his king as he sipped his drink. ~"Well the man has HER eating at him now, and she is a real beauty, but something else was eating at him from before. Will he settle with thee in his state, my lord?"~ He spoke to the other through a guarded mental channel. He had no idea how quickly their target could pull himself together if he needed to. He didn't know the immortal personally, he just knew a lot about him from intelligence collected on him, but had never met him.


Treborn was unconcerned with the Anduain's inebriation. ~"He'll do just fine. Patience is the thing here anyway. We'll have our chance at him and the drunker the better. Ye placed the opium in his path, he'll do the rest for us."~


~"The woman there might complicate things."~


~"We'll take care of her if she does,"~ his Lord assured.


~"Ye can't mean to harm her, Sire?"~ The brown haired fellow's concern genuine. He was no murderer, he was a warrior.


~"Of course not, lad. I thought ye knew me better. Even if I had it in me we don't want him hating us do we? Harder to control a man of that caliber if they hate thee."~


~"I know thee, Lord, the stakes are just so high. Are ye certain force is the only way, My Lord? Wouldn't it be better to just convince the man to trust us?"~


~"Not after what Halen put him through. Few know the half of it. It's what made me break off our alliance with the usurper. He called demons up to break the immortal. What a diabolical disgrace. A man who claims immortals have no place in the world who summons demons to break another immortal who good sources say only wanted to talk to him? Despicable. No, he'll not join us voluntarily and we can't risk him falling on Acheron's side. He looks close... too close to that fall." ~


The Escion King was right about that. The pitiful state of the immortal in question was due to him struggling to stay above water when he just wanted to let go, stop fighting it, and let himself sink into the abyss. Indeed, when his wife asked the illustrious fellow why he was in such a state of distress he confessed as much to her in earshot of the king and his man.


The Lord at the adjacent table poured another drink for his comrade. ~"I told thee he was on the brink. We have to get to him before Acheron does. We must and soon."~


~"Aye,"~ his right hand saw it for himself now. ~"But ye heard him, my Lord. If we make a mistake..."~


"We won't," the king assured his man. His men had tried to convince him to let others capture Eoghan for him but he wouldn't have it. Justice had to be served. Eoghan was a wrong that had to be righted. It was one mission the king would trust to no one else.


The king went unrecognized because he looked about ninety percent younger than he had prior to a recent very unexpected incident. A uncommonly strange anomaly had appeared in his very highly warded private quarters and when he approached it a flare of energy lashed out at him and pulled him through the anomaly. When he came out on the other side he expected to have been captured or worse, but he was still in his chambers and he was young again.


Treborn had a hell of a time convincing his men of who he was. When making public appearances he had to wear a glamour to make him appear as the old man he had been. Treborn was a little over two hundred years old. He'd surpassed his twilight. He may have lasted another fifty years with healers and such but he was an old man as a mortal regardless. Now he was in his twenties again but with his accumulated wisdom. What had happened to him just wouldn't play well in Eastguard's political and social atmosphere however.


The anomaly might have been an incidental part of the strange things happening all over from the bombardment of disorder or been placed by someone powerful and knowledgeable enough to work around his wards. The later was far more unlikely. Or... A time anomaly had simply opened in his quarters. Stranger things had happened and it had appeared about the time two prominent individuals had returned from another time, Esscha Endor's queen and a chaosian heirophant of time. Treborn had no idea how the aberration came to be there and none of his artificers could figure it out. He couldn't say it wasn't a happy albiet mystifying accident nevertheless.  To be young again was a blessing.


Young again or not he had already chosen the time for his good son to inherit the throne. The very son that had helped the Anduain to escape the war criminal Halen. The King's son and heir was Tyrwyn Alqwan, Calvary commander of the Legion of Dawn. Very few knew Tyrwyn was Prince heir of Eastguard. Tyrwyn had no idea. He was a bastard son Treborn had hidden at birth because of his over ambitious and avaricious brothers. Their mother had ruined them by instilling a terrible lust for power, wealth and tyrannical authority in them. Tyrwyn was his chosen heir although he and his most trusted men were the only ones who knew it, his will sealed and under heavy protection. Treborn's older three sons couldn't WAIT for their father to die. Treborn suspected them in several assassination attempts but had been unable to unearth any proof. Not even through arcane means. They were clever and wicked. Treborn was quite sure they'd kill him and each other to get to the throne. He hoped they'd slip up and get caught at a highly punishable crime but the burden of proof had revealed nothing on them. Treborn was just too lawful to hire assassins to kill his own sons no matter how aware he was that they needed to go. There were a few of his men however who to protect their king and his chosen heir would do so. It simply wasn't necessary as yet and they couldn't be certain it had been one or all three of them that had hired the assassins.


As for his associations with Halen... his formerly excellent reputation had taken a hard hit. He'd gotten trapped into an alliance with the man. It was Morgaise he had forged the alliance with but when he went missing, sealed up in Acheron it turned out, his first in command Halen, then King of Westguard had taken over the army. Everything had changed with that shift in leadership, but Treborn was bound to the alliance unless Treborn could prove the man to be either a traitor or a war criminal. It was his own son Tyrwyn who had brought him proof that Halen was a war criminal. Treborn wasted no time dissolving his alliance with the Army of Man. His true ally Morgaise had been mortified that Halen had reduced his army to a war mongering hate group of hundreds of thousands. King Octavian had tried to turn the army around but had ended up disbanding them and hunting down splinter groups still carrying Halen's flag. MAME they called themselves. Mortals against monstrous enemies. They'd not last against the western king they had betrayed.


Now Treborn was in the process of righting any wrongs he could from his regretful involvement with Halen. It was an uphill climb to justice. How did one rectify the loss of so many lives and the pain of so many deaths? Immortals might be hard to kill but even the deaths that did not keep were still painful, distressing and life altering. The immortal Eoghan of Tuatha had suffered most at Halen's hands. Treborn meant to do what he could to get the man back on track. That is to say, help to restore his faith in himself and mankind. He had to isolate the man first to do that.


Treborn's plan for his kingdom was for Tyrwyn to rule in his stead while he remained his loyal counselor and agent as a ranger. Treborn loved to travel by horseback, the outdoors, he loved adventure. He had been held to his throne for two hundred and thirty five years. A ranger was all he had ever dreamed of being and now was his chance to fulfill that dream and remain a loyal advocate of Eastguard.

Ranger Argos Treborn

Tyrelian Treborn the Younger

Passes as his own cousin Argos.

Merrek Pengard

The King's Right Hand and Chief Ranger

Eastguard Map

B-3: Tyr Baerigh:  Northwatch is a ruined castle some fallen angels had moved into and King Treborn had no qualms with their presence so gifted the castle and land about it to them (Cirgoth, Marcosias and Thanius) as guardians of Baerigh Melaeth (Northwatch Plane) and Sanctuary Bay.

C-6: Lion's Head Citadel: a large citadel in the center of Lion's Head plateau.

E-5: Cliff City: A huge City with many levels built into the Chalice Bay cliffs.  The King's palace lies within the heart of the city.  

E-6: Chalice Bay:  A large bay surrounded by massive sheer cliff walls.  An impressive shipyard lies within the 'Giant's Chalice' by a huge sea cave connected to the city.  The King's Fleet is harboured in Chalice Bay.

G-7: Table Top Tower: a great watch tower overlooking Tempest East and Table Top plateau.  

C-I, B-6: The Great Step: a high cliff extending the length of the plateau's west side with two roads north and south to the cliff top, and one tunnel centrally which ascends to the plateau's table outlying of Cliff City.  The cliff acts as a protective wall against ground attack from the west.  Below the cliffs is an annexed strip of Grey Haven Rainforest which is part of both Eastguard and the Greyhaven Kingdom of the elves creating a buffer zone between the two kingdoms which are allies.


More on Cliff City

The city and Chalice Bay are often called The Giant's Chalice by its people.  The high plateau's solid, very sheer, immense, towering cliff wall extends north and south for thousands of miles. The 50 mile wide, round bay and ocean inlet is cut out of the cliffs. The city is huge and its many levels are built inside the immensely high cliff walls surrounding the bay. A large shipyard extends from and lies within a huge sea cave at the base of the sheer cliffs. The cliff and bay resembles a giant chalice or well with a narrow five mile wide stretch that leads out to the ocean called simply The Corridor. The cliff walls surround the bay on three sides.  The bay is incredibly deep and filled with a wide variety of marine life.

The Escion People and their Culture

The majority of inhabitants in Eastguard are Escion though other mortal people also reside there as well as a few immortals.  All people seeking citizenship in Eastguard must receive the King's personal sanction to do so.  All magic users and conventional weapons (to be fair) are auto-registered by glowing marks that appear on each visitor's right cheek if channelers, or their weapon hand if a weapon, the color of which determines the power of an individual or weapon (white, yellow, green, blue, purple).


The Escion people are renowned as equestrians.  The horsemen and horsemaidens wear their status as equestrians in the dreadlocks they grow.  When they fall off a horse, or a horse gets injured while riding them, is stolen and not recovered, or perishes under their care, they cut several inches from their dreads for each incident, double that if an incident was serious.   

Elishelel Alqwan Treborn

Daughter Elora Alqwan Treborn

Cousin Corina Treborn

Twin Caleurien Treborn