Ghazi Paths of Powers

Path of Shadows
Stamina 1
1-Manipulate Shadows - Cause shadows to shift, bend and move as called.
2-Shadow Viel - Hides vampire in shadows.
3-Shadow Stalk - sneak around unseen and unsensed while maintaining a physical form. Shadows disperse when an action is taken against another. Unseen for one action.
Stamina 2
4-Shadow Cloaking - Cloaks vampire and their presence.
5-Shadow Door - create a doorway of shadow where no doorway exists that opens and closes only to creator.
6-Shadowy Concealment - Make a called target take on appearance of shadows.
Stamina 3
7-Shadow Walking - Close distance through shadow realm.
8-Shadow Bridge - Create a solid bridge of shadows 4 feet wide.
9-Shadow Perception - Allows for detection of shadow forms and active shadow applications.
Stamina 4
10-Gate of Shadows-which vampire can take others through via the shadow realm.
11-Trap Door of Shadows - a trap door opens under someone and drops them into a cell of shadows which holds them captive.
12-Intercept Path - Allows shadow elemental to intercept other gate paths, even select ones with higher power (roll).
Stamina 5
13-Phasing-Phase out of material realm into corporeal form of shadows.
14-Aura of Shadows - nothing about subject protected by this gift can be sensed by any means.
15-Gateway of Vision - Allows shadow elemental to pierce the temporal layers of the shadow realm to see present, past, and future incidents. Elemental must be able to identify which subject of information sought by a name or location involving subject.
Stamina 6
16-Corporeal Assimilation -1 Form per 5 levels. Corporeal Disguise, can be any living creature.
17-Corporeal Shadow Form - Ability to take actions in shadow form.
18-Shadowy Keep - a tower or room of shadow is raised which can only be accessed by creator or those he selects to enter or leave the keep.
Stamina 7
19-Shield of Shadows - A dome of shadows surrounds called target/s and any powers or attacks aimed at target/s will pass into the shadows without hitting target. If attackers step through the shield, they come out on the other side of the shield past the shielded targets. Lasts until dispelled, protected targets cannot attack while guarded by shield, they too pass into the shadow veil if they step into the shield and another stride delivers them on unprotected ground.
20-Sanctuary of Shadows - Call the shadows into a lair, castle, manor, compound, or even a woodland area, to conceal those within. Very hard to detect. Also protects from sunlight..
21-Shadow Planes Walker - cross any distance and into any realm, world, alternate plane, or demi-plane.
Stamina 8
22-Black Oracle - Part the shadow veil to reveal those clan members selected, and use Shadowgates to intercept subjects within shadow realm and to intercept shadow gates.
23-Shadow Planes Gate - like a walker only shadow elemental can take others with them.
24-Eclipse in Shadows - Eclipse an area in the shadow viel, up to 10 feet per success. Protects from sunlight.
Stamina 9
25-Shadows and Stone - Haven, or even a select chamber, room, cave, etc., can be overlapped by the demi-plane of shadows to conceal overlapped area in an isolated fold of the shadow realm. Cannot be infiltrated without specific knowledge of Shadows and Stone, and intercept path abilities. Only higher power using correct applications can invade protected area/s.
26-Dungeon of Darkness - Sinks a subject or select area within the demi-plane of shadows where the shadowlands overlap an underworld, creating solid walls. Very hard to detect without the ability to find an overlap. Area is hard to escape as well where no gate can be formed to escape without specific knowledge of Shadows and Stone.
27-Dark Creationist - create any called, tangible, shadow effect, object or scope (such as shadow-bridges, doors, gates, keeps, castles, weapons, trees, ropes, ladders, vines, forests, lakes, etc.) with called effects which include selection of who creations are tangible to, and ethereal passage only to select subjects through doors and tunnels.
Stamina 10
28-Shadow Catalyst - Allows caster to create a contingency, that triggers a shadow affect if catalyst is triggered. Caster calls catalyst, with power of up to +300 as called.
29-Protection from Shadows - Protects from any rivaling Shadow Effect
30-Shadow Scape - Create a corporeal scope of shadows that is ethereal and invisible to anyone not select to enter corporeal zone. Area is created via quantum visualization to create material wilderness, buildings and grounds, etc., all cast in a night-like scope of shadows. Moonlight and sunlight can penetrate area to create a filtered light effect if called. Up to one acrea.
Stamina 11
31-Permancy Factors - Makes a shadow effect permanent (as anything is considered permanent).
32-Warding Factors - Boosts power to wards and guards against counter magics by power of MA-Roll.
33-Kingdom of Shadows - Must have shadow scape to use this power. Create a shadow kingdom with land area of up to 1 square miles per success.
34-Lord of the Black Veil - Enhance any shadow power by power of this application (+34 d6).
35-Counter Veil - Shadowy rift opens to draw an opposing power into shadow veil and nullify it.
Stamina 12
36-Formulation of Commands - Manipulating use of powers to select commands, Creating Wards for Havens using powers, and creating artifacts of power.
37-Master of Shadows - Apply any shadow power at this level.
38-Grand Master of Shadows - Apply any shadow power at this level.
39-Arch Master of Shadows - Apply any shadow power at this level.
40-Supreme Master of Shadows - Apply any shadow power at this level.
Blood Sorcery
1- Beastial Trance (charms victim while vampire is feeding)
2- Crimson Flame (using blood energy to project a flame)
3- Enrapture (using blood energy to enchant a subject)
4- Arcane Domination (dominate channeling blood energy)
5- Blood Source (transcendental transfusion of blood)
6- Dervish Flame (ignites a victim's blood into flames)
7- Oblation of Life (transcendental removal of blood)
8- Master of Enslavement (use blood to enslave and burn mark of possession)
9- Arcane Prowess (blood energy tapped to make vampire incredibly strong and render them invulnerable to physical damage.)
10- Abyssal Decay (vampire can devour blood, will, essence, soul by touch through opening a metaphysical vacuum within themselves, decaying their victim rapidly.)
Inborn Powers and Traits
Siring and Bondage
Progeny-Sired by the draining of blood to the point of death and drinking a small amount of the vampire's blood, amount dependant on generation and age of vampire. Death occurs immediately and vampiric resurrection occurs over a period of days. If days exceed 2, chances of survival decrease dramatically. At five days, intended progeny perishes. If too much blood is drained, chosen perishes. If too much or too little blood is provided, death also occurs. Chance of Death: 3rd Day, 10% chance of death, 4th Day, 20% chance of death, 5th Day, 30% chance... chance of death increases 10% progressively each day after the 2nd day.
Blood Thralls-Slight draining of blood and giving of a larger amount of vampire's blood. Amount of blood dependant on generation of Regent's blood. Blood thralls have no fangs. They can eat food. They are quasi-immortal and stop aging and 'live until death,' but although they have weak regeneration, they can die by mortal wounds, and a painful death of blood starvation within a month without their master's blood. Blood Thralls must feed once a week to maintain their strength, they are utterly dependant on their regent's blood. They can learn three levels of their regent's powers, and up to five levels if 500 years old. The bond of thrall to regent is very powerful. Power of Bond = Roll of (Gift Level=# d6+Trait Level=# d6+Vitality Generation Bonus vs. Willpower of Thrall.
Slave Bondage-Similair to Blood Thrall but more blood is drained from victim and half a pint of blood imbues the subject as vampire performs 'Rites of Domination' over subject as his blood is consumed (by force, will or domination) by the intended slave. Blood Slaves are utterly obediant to their vampiric masters for their will is no longer their own. Power of Enslavement = Enslavement Roll of (Gift Level=# d6+Trait Level=# d6+Vitality Generation Bonus vs. Willpower of Slave.
Form Shifting
3-Animal Form - Choose up to 3 animal forms.
4-Vaporous Form - Chilling mist with dread presence.
5-Wraith Form - Shadowy Form that drains life and chills on contact.
Senses of the Beast - Preturnatural: Hearing, Sense of Smell, Vision, Night Vision, Taste. All start at +5 and improve by +1 every 100 years.
Vampiric Prowess
Supernatural Strength - +5, and +1 per 100 years.
Supernatural Stamina - +5, +1 per 100 years.
Improved Dexterity - +1 per 100 years.
Supernatural Stealth - +5, + applied Stealth Gift level.
Regeneration - Level 3 Regeneration, +Regeneration Bonuses (see Regeneration Bonus chart)
Immortal Fortitude - See Checks Page-Fortitude.
Supernatural Haste - (see below). NO check can exceed 40 with inborn powers except Haste.
1-Touching subject.
2-Within 30 feet of subject.
3-Within visual range of subject.
4-Within same city/borough as subject.
5-In same state/providence as subject.
6-In same country as subject.
7-In same world as subject.
8-Able to contact various subjects at same time anywhere in the world.
9-Able to contact subjects anywhere and at any distance.
10-Able to create mind gates to influence subject through telepathic connection.
Vampiric Haste {Time actually slows for the vampire giving the appearance of speed.}
1-Superhuman Movement - Five times faster than a human sprinter.
2-Blurring Movement - Phasing speed which makes vampire blur from vision.
3-Blind Eye Movement - Quicker than the eye.
4-Phasing Movement - Surpasses tangible and material objects.
5-Active Applications - Hasted Weapons and combat.
6-Phasing Gate - Phase out of one place and into another.
7-Twain Haste - Ability to haste another with self, hasted subject must physically pull other with them.
8-Time Gate - Phase past time effects.
9-Twain Time Gate - Phase past time effects with another, hasted subject must physically pull other with them.
10-Formulation of Commands - in creating improvised haste effects, blending haste with other gifts, creating haste imbued artifacts and items.
Vampiric Temple
1-Fangs - Retractable, +1 dmg. young vampires, +3 dmg each for Elders over 500, +5 critical attacks.
2-Claws - Retractable, +1 dmg. each claw young vampires, +2 dmg each for Elders over 500, +5 critical attacks.
3-Improved Height - Shift, greater range with melee weapons and physical attacks, +1 hit and defense bonus-range advantage per +1 foot in height over opponent, up tp +3 feet in height.
4-Fangs and Claws - can dmg. foe with both fangs and claws in an attack. Fangs+1-dmg, Claws+1-dmg each claw, +5 throat, heart or femoral vital dmg.
5-Fangs, Claws and Height - combine physical advantages.
6-Vampiric Form - Stature and muscular increase in complete shift of Fangs, Height, Claws while fortitude and strength is enhanced (+5) with tough flesh, fortitude by (X2), and quicker regeneration (+4).
7-Vampiric Menace - Shadows spread around vampire and presence emits an aura of terror in full form shift. Level=# d6+7 vs. Constitution.
8-Physical Majesty - Vampire can use vampiric temple with supernatural haste in combat combinations, or in winged flight. All physical checks increased by +8.
9-Arcane Prowess - Vampire can imbue their claws and fangs with their blood to inflict a gift effect on a victim, and have great command of presence, their inborn gifts of haste at the highest level, their strength phenominal.
10-Godly Presence - Vampire can enhance in height and increase presence dramatically, their shadow spreading to eclipse an area up to 50 yards in perimeter, while their presence radiates their chosen state of presence so potently that the will and mind of those who fall under their shadow crumbles (-10 d6+10 to Subject's Willpower and Constitution.)
Sun Bane - The sun would burn the flesh, and if too long exposed would consume the Undead drinker of blood entirely, their Soul to lie in purgatory until expired on the fourth day, whereupon the demons of hell would devour their soul.
Generation Bonuses
Omegan: Resist sun 80% (take 20% damage to HP, takes 80 minutes to kill them)
2nd Gen: Resist sun 70% (take 30% damage to HP, takes 70 minutes to kill them)
3rd Gen: Resist sun 60% (take 40% damage to HP, takes 60 minutes to kill them)
4th Gen: Resist sun 50% (take 50% damage to HP, takes 50 minutes to kill them)
5th Gen: Resist sun 30% (take 70% damage to HP, takes 30 minutes to kill them)
6th Gen: Resist sun 10% (take 90% damage to HP, takes 10 minutes to kill them)
7th + Gens: No sun resistance (they have one minute to get out of the sun or they die)
Deathly Sleep - So long as the sun is risen the Caanan vampire shall sleep like the dead, and rouse only when the sun sets. (Very hard to wake during light of day).
Blood of Life - The Dark Father, and all he made and who made others of the blood , could taste no food, and receive no nourishment, but from the blood of Ka {the life force, i.e living creatures} and only of the living or undead. Level of Dmg. done to character feasted on = Stamina and Vitality gained by feeding. Split scores as needed.
Pall of Death - All who were made of the blood would wear of pall of death upon their flesh that would make their skin very pale, a glow of health and warmth on them only when they were well nourished.
The Charade - All Sired of the blood, and their ancestors after, must conceal what they are from all earthly mortal beings, lest a mortal being is being brought into their fold. To ALL these vampire kin who broke the charade, would hell have their souls in eternal suffering on their deaths, and would those who honored the charade hunt them to their deaths.
Blood Bondage - When blood was taken from a vampire, would the drinker be bound to them as a thrall, the strength of this bond increased each time a pint was consumed. With three pints would the drinker's will be enslaved to the vampire. Human thralls are wholly depended on their regent's blood, and if they drink not of their bond master's blood for a month, the thrall is consumed with hunger and dies of starvation. Humans that are bonded as thralls are bestowed with some of the powers of their Master's blood, and can learn 3 levels of their gifts. They no longer age, heal more quickly, become quasi-immortal. They have no fangs. Mortal wounds end their lives, but they can walk in daylight, eat normal foods (though it will not sustain them) are warm still as a human, and are physically improved (+5 points in physical rates)
Curse of the Undead - Spoken was this curse by the Dark Father -"No more shall a blood kindred make than the count of his fingers once {10} and no more shall his children Sire than the count of one hand's fingers {5} for thereafter shall all others be killed by the Keepers of the Dark Father's law."
NOTE: Vampires guard their curses and powers alike as sacred! They will NOT give their weaknesses away, or divulge the secrets of their power to other clans and those who should might be marked as traitors and hunted by their own clan.
Demonic Vampires ONLY
Special: Demonic vampires have all the same traits as other vampires but vary in three ways.
1-Daywalkers - They can walk in daylight although they are weakened. (Gifts: -3 levels in direct sunlight, -2 in shade.)
2-Innate Elemental - They get +1 in their gifts as an Element.
3-Possession - Demonic Vampires have the power of possession and domination as a trait gift. They are only able to possess if their spirit leaves their body, which burns a great deal of blood and leaves their body in a deep state of torpor, and when the spirit repossesses the body, blood is needed to revive them. When they possess a living form, they overtake it completely if the victim's will fails to resist them.
Hells Inner Sanctum
(2+ 6s must be rolled for Invocation of Lucifer's powers to succeed)
1- Invoke Command Seal - Marks powers specific to caster making it harder to undo them by any one else.
2- Invoke Necromancer's Lock - Locks a door, chest, tome, AREA etc with a necromantic field of negative energy, draining life from any who overstep locked boundary unless selected to be excluded by commands.
3- Invoke Mortus Presence - Shadow falls and spreads over an area to drain energy from those the shadow is cast upon.
4- Invoke Curse of the Leper - Causes decomposure, starting with extremeties.. fingers, toes, nose, then arms and legs etc.
5- Invoke Morbid Reality - Selected Victim is consumed by morbid thoughts and then begins seeing and FEELING gruesome hallucinations of their skin rotting, melting and falling off, and the same of anyone around them. Can cause insanity.
6- Invoke Curse Reaver - Removes even very powerful curses from selected subject.
7- Invoke Demonic Gang Rape - Up to ten Demons are summoned to rape a selected target.
8- Invoke Curse of the Ancients - Immortal target is reduced to a frail mortal's strength, a mortal is reduced to an infant's strength.
9-10 Invoke Dead Realms Commands - Create necromantic spell to imbue an artifact or item with. 10- Invoke Necromantic spell creation and warding.
2-Find Hidden Doors and Traps-{finds hidden and magic doors and traps.}
3-Magic Sight-{Allows sorcerer to identify energy, negative energy strands, powers and signatures. Also allowed sorcerer to identify power sources and levels.}
4-Visceral Flame-{Burns body from the inside out, starting with the guts.}
5-Shield of Vehemence-{when neared, shield releases painful shockwaves of energy which blast outward from shield with enough force to knock down an elephant. Protects from magic and weapons.}
6-Black Venom-{Inflicts victim with a painful and deadly poison that resists immunity, resistance and neutralization by 60%. The poison stiffens muscles (1st turn), causes agonizing muscle spasms (2nd turn), paralyzes (3rd turn) and is deadly with a 2nd infliction of black venom, although, instead of dying, immortals are plunged into a deep, death like sleep.}
7-Cloak of Concealment-{Conceals all aspects of target cloaked, including presence, energy, aura, everything. Action can be taken while cloaked.}
8-Shatter the Weave-{Shatters magic.}
9-Orb of Annihilation-{exactly what it sounds like.}
10-Master of Chaos-{Knowledge of, and Command over the nine paths of chaos. Allows sorcerer to improvise and create spells, create artifact and magic items, and to perform any magic feat sorcerer is capable of harnessing and commanding. Created spells must be recorded in a spell book or scroll. Improvised spells fail if three ones are rolled.}

Shadow Demon
Spawn Acolytes: Base demon power, demon info page.
Possession: Base demon power, demon info page
Shifting: Shifting from subrace form into their Abyss Demon form is quite painful, the change called, 'Demonic Quickening.' It is painful because their demon form tears through their flesh to discard of their subrace shell while bones, muscles, tendons and innards mutate. The shift into Black Demon form is far less painful. Their Black, or Shadow Form, resembles their subrace form exactly, only it is jet black, equipped with claws and fangs, the eyes, even the whites, and teeth are even black. The shift back into subrace form is far less painful and known as diminishing.' It exhausts them nevertheless, and they seldom shift back unless in the safety of their lair. In subrace form they can eat human foods, but in demon form they prefer raw meat, especially human, warm off the bone. They can shift at will but sunlight forces subrace form shift.
Shadow Demon Advantages
- Immune to cold and ice.
- Immune to Fire and Heat.
- Demonic Strength: +5.
- Bone crushing Strength: in demonic form +8.
- Regeneration: Level +5, +5 in Abyss Goat form
They can shift at will but sunlight forces subrace form shift. - Abyss Goat Demon: All abyss goat demon stats and powers in this form and only this form
- Black Form: Claws +20, Bite +10, +10 Stealth, +1 Init, +3 d6 Path of Shadows, Fortitude-Level +8
- Subrace Form: All subrace stats, traits, etc.
Shadow Demon Weaknesses
- Light Elements and Electrical Elements, Divine Powers and Weapons imbued with those same powers, are used in their destruction or banishment to Acheron. It is their soul that must be destroyed or banished. When banished they are sealed within The Lower Kingdom's demi planes.
- Holy Relics: repulse them if of a patheon they once adhered to.
- Dark or Blood Magic: actually strengthen them.
- Sun Bane: Shadow Demons cannot maintain demonic form in sunlight and shift into subrace form.
- Subrace Form: They have all the same stats they had in subrace form and are either mortal or quasi-immortal. This means their health (HP), strength and stamina is lowered to subrace state, and that though they do not age, they can be slain by mortal wounds unless they had a geis (WoD) in subrace form.
- Transient Death Taint: If demon is killed three times transiently they develope a 'Taint of split Lives.' This results in the demon not recollecting anything between shifting from demon form to subrace form. Demon form remembers nothing from life as subrace form, and subrace form remembers nothing from life as a demon.
- Subrace Fatality: If subrace form is slain, demon reverts to Abyss Goat Demon form and subrace form is lost. Demon must possess a new subrace form to shift to Black Demon and humanoid form.
- WoD: Destruction of soul
Shadow Demon Paths
- Master of Fire: Full path of fire, Elemental
- Master of Domination: Inborn Powers
- Path of Shadows: Full path, Elemental
- Ice Elemental: Full path, Elemental
- Abyss Goat Powers, Abilities and Paths: See demons, abyss goat
- Necromancy: When all other paths are mastered.
Multiple Character

Rogue Vampire Powers
1-Presence - Physical, Mental and Emotional prowess over another. Constitution vs. Constitution.
1- induce fear - sooth
2- induce awe
3- induce respect
4- induce dread - euphoria
5- induce infatuation or rage
6- dominate
7- induce frenzy or sleep
8- command the will - the subject is under absolute command of vampire.
9- enslave the will - the subjects will is enslaved to vampire.
10- master of the horde - Induce multiple targets up to a city block with any emotion and influence emotion towards an end.
3-Demonic Vampires Rogues: Master of the Flame
1-Inflame - {light candle, fire, or flammable objects.}
2-Fire Stream - {Stream of fire streaks from hand.}
3-Wall of Flames - {Huge wall of flames surrounds a select 15 foot perimeter.}
4-Fire Ball - {Fiery missle explodes to cover a 25 ft radius, area doubling when bouncing off walls.}
5-Command the Flame - (allows for forking, flame spreading and selection commands.}
6-Quick Fire - {Fiery inferno of vaporizing flames explode through enclosed areas, or spread out in a shock wave of intense heat in the open.}
7-Pool of Lava - {Lava boils up from the ground or floor to form a deep lava pool up to 20 ft in radius.}
8- Inferno - {called target erupts into roaring inferno of flames}
4-Shadow Vampire Rogues: Path of Shadows
1-Melt into Shadows.
2-Shadow Walk.
3-Shadow Phase.
4-Gate of Shadows.
5-Cloak of Shadows.
6-Shadowy Prison.
7-Part the Viel - {Allows vampire to take one action {+1 per ace} while cloaked in shadows.}
8-Corporeal Assimilation -1 Form per 5 levels. Corporeal Disguise, can be any living creature.
Inborn Powers and Traits
Siring and Bondage
- Progeny-Sired by the draining of blood to the point of death and drinking a small amount of the vampire's blood, amount dependant on generation and age of vampire. Death occurs immediately and vampiric resurrection occurs over a period of days. If days exceed 2, chances of survival decrease dramatically. At five days, intended progeny perishes. If too much blood is drained, chosen perishes. If too much or too little blood is provided, death also occurs. Chance of Death: 3rd Day, 10% chance of death, 4th Day, 20% chance of death, 5th Day, 30% chance... chance of death increases 10% progressively each day after the 2nd day.
- Blood Thralls-Slight draining of blood and giving of a larger amount of vampire's blood. Amount of blood dependant on generation of Regent's blood. Blood thralls have no fangs. They can eat food. They are quasi-immortal and stop aging and 'live until death,' but although they have weak regeneration, they can die by mortal wounds, and a painful death of blood starvation within a month without their master's blood. Blood Thralls must feed once a week to maintain their strength, they are utterly dependant on their regent's blood. They can learn three levels of their regent's powers, and up to five levels if 500 years old. The bond of thrall to regent is very powerful. Power of Bond = Roll of (Gift Level=# d6+Trait Level=# d6+Vitality Generation Bonus vs. Willpower of Thrall.
- Slave Bondage-Similair to Blood Thrall but more blood is drained from victim and half a pint of blood imbues the subject as vampire performs 'Rites of Domination' over subject as his blood is consumed (by force, will or domination) by the intended slave. Blood Slaves are utterly obediant to their vampiric masters for their will is no longer their own. Power of Enslavement = Enslavement Roll of (Gift Level=# d6+Trait Level=# d6+Vitality Generation Bonus vs. Willpower of Slave.
Form Shifting
3-Animal Form - Choose up to 3 animal forms.
4-Vaporous Form - Chilling mist with dread presence.
5-Wraith Form - Shadowy Form that drains life and chills on contact.
Senses of the Beast - Preturnatural: Hearing, Sense of Smell, Vision, Night Vision, Taste. All start at +5 and improve by +1 every 100 years.
Vampiric Prowess
- Supernatural Strength - +5, and +1 per 100 years.
- Supernatural Stamina - +5, +1 per 100 years.
- Improved Dexterity - +1 per 100 years.
- Supernatural Stealth - +5, + applied Stealth Gift level.
- Regeneration - Level 3 Regeneration, +Regeneration Bonuses (see Regeneration Bonus chart)
- Immortal Fortitude - See Checks Page-Fortitude.
- Supernatural Haste - (see below). NO check can exceed 40 with inborn powers except Haste.
- 1-Touching subject.
- 2-Within 30 feet of subject.
- 3-Within visual range of subject.
- 4-Within same city/borough as subject.
- 5-In same state/providence as subject.
- 6-In same country as subject.
- 7-In same world as subject.
- 8-Able to contact various subjects at same time anywhere in the world.
- 9-Able to contact subjects anywhere and at any distance.
- 10-Able to create mind gates to influence subject through telepathic connection.
Vampiric Haste {Time actually slows for the vampire giving the appearance of speed.}
- 1-Superhuman Movement - Five times faster than a human sprinter.
- 2-Blurring Movement - Phasing speed which makes vampire blur from vision.
- 3-Blind Eye Movement - Quicker than the eye.
- 4-Phasing Movement - Surpasses tangible and material objects.
- 5-Active Applications - Hasted Weapons and combat.
- 6-Phasing Gate - Phase out of one place and into another.
- 7-Twain Haste - Ability to haste another with self, hasted subject must physically pull other with them.
- 8-Time Gate - Phase past time effects.
- 9-Twain Time Gate - Phase past time effects with another, hasted subject must physically pull other with them.
- 10-Formulation of Commands - in creating improvised haste effects, blending haste with other gifts, creating haste imbued artifacts and items.
Vampiric Temple
- 1-Fangs - Retractable, +1 dmg. young vampires, +3 dmg each for Elders over 500, +5 critical attacks.
- 2-Claws - Retractable, +1 dmg. each claw young vampires, +2 dmg each for Elders over 500, +5 critical attacks.
- 3-Improved Height - Shift, greater range with melee weapons and physical attacks, +1 hit and defense bonus-range advantage per +1 foot in height over opponent.
- 4-Fangs and Claws - can dmg. foe with both fangs and claws in an attack. Fangs+1-dmg, Claws+1-dmg each claw, +5 throat, heart or femoral vital dmg.
- 5-Fangs, Claws and Height - combine physical advantages.
- 6-Vampiric Form - Stature and muscular increase in complete shift of Fangs, Height, Claws while fortitude is enhanced (+2) with tough flesh, and quicker regeneration (+2).
- 7-Vampiric Menace - Shadows spread around vampire and presence emits an aura of terror in full form shift. Level=# d6+7 vs. Constitution.
- 8-Physical Majesty - Vampire can use vampiric temple with supernatural haste in combat combinations, or in winged flight. All physical checks increased by +8.
- 9-Arcane Prowess - Vampire can imbue their claws and fangs with their blood to inflict a gift effect on a victim, and have great command of presence, their inborn gifts of haste at the highest level, their strength phenominal.
- 10-Godly Presence - Vampire can enhance in height and increase presence dramatically, their shadow spreading to eclipse an area up to 50 yards in perimeter, while their presence radiates their chosen state of presence so potently that the will and mind of those who fall under their shadow crumbles (-10 d6+10 to Subject's Willpower and Constitution.)
Sun Bane - The sun would burn the flesh, and if too long exposed would consume the Undead drinker of blood entirely, their Soul to lie in purgatory until expired on the fourth day, whereupon the demons of hell would devour their soul.
Generation Bonuses
Omegan: Resist sun 80% (take 20% damage to HP, takes 80 minutes to kill them)
2nd Gen: Resist sun 70% (take 30% damage to HP, takes 70 minutes to kill them)
3rd Gen: Resist sun 60% (take 40% damage to HP, takes 60 minutes to kill them)
4th Gen: Resist sun 50% (take 50% damage to HP, takes 50 minutes to kill them)
5th Gen: Resist sun 30% (take 70% damage to HP, takes 30 minutes to kill them)
6th Gen: Resist sun 10% (take 90% damage to HP, takes 10 minutes to kill them)
7th + Gens: No sun resistance (they have one minute to get out of the sun or they die)
Deathly Sleep - So long as the sun is risen the Caanan vampire shall sleep like the dead, and rouse only when the sun sets. (Very hard to wake during light of day).
Blood of Life - The Dark Father, and all he made and who made others of the blood , could taste no food, and receive no nourishment, but from the blood of Ka {the life force, i.e living creatures} and only of the living or undead. Level of Dmg. done to character feasted on = Stamina and Vitality gained by feeding. Split scores as needed.
Pall of Death - All who were made of the blood would wear of pall of death upon their flesh that would make their skin very pale, a glow of health and warmth on them only when they were well nourished.
The Charade - All Sired of the blood, and their ancestors after, must conceal what they are from all earthly mortal beings, lest a mortal being is being brought into their fold. To ALL these vampire kin who broke the charade, would hell have their souls in eternal suffering on their deaths, and would those who honored the charade hunt them to their deaths.
Blood Bondage - When blood was taken from a vampire, would the drinker be bound to them as a thrall, the strength of this bond increased each time a pint was consumed. With three pints would the drinker's will be enslaved to the vampire. Human thralls are wholly depended on their regent's blood, and if they drink not of their bond master's blood for a month, the thrall is consumed with hunger and dies of starvation. Humans that are bonded as thralls are bestowed with some of the powers of their Master's blood, and can learn 3 levels of their gifts. They no longer age, heal more quickly, become quasi-immortal. They have no fangs. Mortal wounds end their lives, but they can walk in daylight, eat normal foods (though it will not sustain them) are warm still as a human, and are physically improved (+5 points in physical rates)
Curse of the Undead - Spoken was this curse by the Dark Father -"No more shall a blood kindred make than the count of his fingers once {10} and no more shall his children Sire than the count of one hand's fingers {5} for thereafter shall all others be killed by the Keepers of the Dark Father's law."
NOTE: Vampires guard their curses and powers alike as sacred! They will NOT give their weaknesses away, or divulge the secrets of their power to other clans and those who should might be marked as traitors and hunted by their own clan.
Demonic Vampires ONLY: - Special: Demonic vampires have all the same traits as other vampires but vary in three ways.
1-Daywalkers - They can walk in daylight although they are weakened. (Gifts: -3 levels in direct sunlight, -2 in shade.)
2-Innate Elemental - They get +1 in their gifts as an Element.
3-Possession - Demonic Vampires have the power of possession and domination as a trait gift. They are only able to possess if their spirit leaves their body, which burns a great deal of blood and leaves their body in a deep state of torpor, and when the spirit repossesses the body, blood is needed to revive them. When they possess a living form, they overtake it completely if the victim's will fails to resist them.
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