Killian Kilcanoragh the Wolf
Age: Unknown, appears in his 30s.
Race: appears human, devil by proxy
Occupation: Nature guardian, Lives off the land, sells potions and scrolls, nothing truly powerful, healing and invigorating potions, various scrolls, he also enchants items using rune lore. Killian has a very low tolerance for anyone who abuses the balance in his or anyone else's natural areas.
Daughter: Nuanui (noo-ahn-wee), 16, shy but good natured, sheltered, innocent. NPC available for play on request. Identicle Twin of her sister Sysyu. the twin sisters both would have died at birth but Killian saved them and kept Nuanui as his own.
Nuanui Human Form

Personality: Extremely atttractive, typically selfpossessed, can be temperamental if his patience is tested, curious, wise, alert, charming, and cunning. Calm as he is typically he can be quite unpredictable. Though he keeps mostly to himself he can be social especially if driven by curiosity or interest.
Looks: fairly tall, six one, lean sinuous build, fair skinned, eyes vary between ice blue or jade green with sky blue flecks framed by long, lavish lashes, cascade of lengthy, jet-black, thick, corkscrewing hair to the small of his back, his most defining physical feature.
Garb varies between layered robes of green, brown, black and grey forest colors, sandals or bare feet, or mostly black poet shirt, breeches, knee high boots, leather gambeson, long cloak. Climates also dictates what he wears.

Location: Durasgard, a pocket realm of Anwnn. This realm can fit into almost any world but what happens in one world happens to him in all of them his secluded little kingdom is part of. Those worlds his woodland connects can also be accessed through his forest.
☆ A forest realm accessed from other worlds by the forest his kingdom overlaps or by vine shrouded openings in a woven wall of vines and branches.
☆ This otherworldly forest overlaps and blends into the natural woodland of the world it converges with.
☆ One has to navigate an ever changing labyrinth of impenetrable vines, trunks and branches to reach the forest heart and the small but well situated hamlet at the center where his home is. Killian controls this labyrinth and can open a safe and direct path to someone that will lead them through or out of the maze.
☆ The Cair Dur wild dogs the forest is sometimes named after, a large, ancient, mastiff-wolf hybrid breed, defend the forest and its inhabitants.
☆ If a fire is set in Durasgard outside of designated fire places it just fizzles out.
☆ The forest area inside the labyrinth is comprised of massive trees, waterfalls, two rivers and various creeks, deep ravines and hills, all manner of plant life, a mushroom ring gateway into Anwnn, a haunted mine, and other wilderness features, all packed into a seventeen mile wide, twenty mile long area inside the labyrinth's three mile wide outter defense.
☆ Six of the huge trees in the forest center support six ample tree houses built primarily of bamboo, his main three story tree keep, the largest among them, spans the largest of the trees. The houses surround a natural clearing with a large fire pit with hand carved chairs of solid wood, a wood smoke house, a sheltered, stone, cold-house cellar, a stone artesian well house, and a stable with two paddocks.
☆ At the edge of the hamlet clearing is the entrance of a silver and crystal producing cavern in a rock hillside. The natural mine's interior is lit by luminescent algae and lichen that release glowing pollen and spores when they bloom and mature.
☆ The windows of the homes have shutters to keep out the rain and beautifully printed silk shades like stained glass to keep out the insects while breathing fresh air.
☆ Houses accessed by strong wicker elevators using a smooth pully system.

The Rings of Durasgard
Going outermost to innermost.
1. The Unsung Wood: the forest surrounding Durasgard outside the Wreath of Tears. Open forest anyone can explore. This is the native forest Killian overlaps with his Durasgard pocket wilderness of Anwnn. Anything unusual found in this forest is probably a product of his forest realm. Part his forest and part native forest. He seeks out secluded largely overlooked forests to raise his realm into.
2. The Wreath of Tears: a ring of springs and spring fed tributaries between the Unsung Wood and Gormand Break. A very squishy, hard to navigate area that isn't dangerous, just inconvenient unless collecting the pure spring water from its sources where it bubbles out of rocks. A very lush but wet area. This is where the realm that is purely Durasgard begins.
3. Gormand Break: nourished and watered by the Wreath of Tears, this band of brambles that surrounds Durasgard's wooded labyrinth is a wild fortress of thorny and tangled berry thickets, with raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and strawberries as thick as its snarl of vines and canes. This ancient bramble creates a network of tunnels beneath its mesh. Wolves also prowl these feasting grounds when hunting game which is plentiful in 'the Break'. Purely, Durasgard.
4. The Garden: this ring is a veritable garden paradise with a deer cropped greensward of soft grass where many kinds of fruit trees, mushrooms, vegetables, herbs and flowers both edible and medicinal grow in abundance. Killian's apiaries can be found scattered across the garden.
5. The Wending Tangle: this wilderness tangle is a huge mystifying Labyrinth of vine and branch woven corridors and walls. Mossy rocks and boulders with ferns break the ground as well. There is no question if people entering this subtly ever-changing web of paths will get lost. They absolutely will unless allowed passage through. Purely Durasgard.
☆ The Five Rings of Durasgard: this area harbors Durasgard Forest and is comprised of massive trees like skyscrapers, the treehouse village of Cair Dur, rocky hills, a mountain, rivers, waterfalls, creeks, rich earth, all manner of flora, fungus and wildlife, and a mineral rich cavern legend has as haunted. Two other legendary features are its mushroom rings and the great white hart which wanders all of Durasgard.
☆ The paths of the protective Labyrinth are ever changing in chaotic frequency but go unseen making it seem impossible to predict. Its tangle will neither burn, cut or receive any kind of damage. Plants and any fruit they bear not supporting the maze can be harvested though.
☆ Killian controls the maze and can open up passages straight to the woodland heart or with some trickery, right to his tree hamlet.
☆ A creek meanders through the maze of leafy growth and animals of all kind occasion to wander there as well. One might even meet up with someone lost in the tangle.
☆ Killian's Tree Hamlet is called Dun Cair Dur and is centrally located in the forest heart. It is described above.
☆ The Twin Rock Rivers, east and west, flow from the Twin Rock Mountain waterfalls north to south on the west and east side of Durasgard forest. At the southern end of the west river is an incredible, nature made swimming pool.

Background: Nothing of Killian is known yet on this world. His is an unwritten slate that remains to be discovered. He traveled from a place not too unlike this world he chose to explore, a world of medieval cultures and yet untamed marches, of elven kind, dragons, Sidhe, all manner of beings mortal and immortal, many beings steeped in lore and myth. Perhaps he'd come to this world to dwell in the in between.
☆ Vine twisted Staff: Thorn is the staff's name. Natural vine twisted length of strong driftwood, enchanted against breaking with runes. Large, clear, green quartz crystal clasped in staff's talon-like rootball. Staff was nature made and how he found it minus the runes. Increases focus when harnessing and channeling elements or arcane forces.
☆ A very sharp hunting knife.
☆ A gorgeously crafted netherelf bow, quiver and arrows.
☆ Camping gear, rope, horse tack, alchemical potion kit, rune carving tools, gardening impliments, whetstones and other commonplace items or tools.
Abilities: He is an artificer of the elements and arcane but has nothing to prove so is discreet with his capabilities. If he or those he protects are attacked only then will he be seen channeling the paths he commands. Keenly aware that people tend to be wary of arcane practices he is subtle and cautious in his use of the forces he can wield. He is also proficient in martial combat, his staff included, with his bow, a sword and knives. His staff is his main weapon in combat. He uses his bow mostly for hunting.
Killian's Friends: Belial, Niall, Androalphus, Amon, Lilendrel and Enarieth.
Killian's Companions:
A pair of fey women named Lilendrel or Lil and Enarieth aka Nari. Lil is a fair fey while Nari is a hoary fey who uses glamour to look beautiful.
His black horse Obsidian, looks very Friesian or Dales. Petname Sid.

His pair of Kar Dur Wolves Freki and Geri

Recent History
Killian had left Morashtar owing an acquaintance a drink which would nettle him until that debt was paid. He hated owing anyone anything, even something as petty as a drink. He had put that out of his mind though when the shadows and mists of the forest parted to unveil his tall frame seated upon his very friesian looking pure black horse. The air cleared of haze and gloom as he left the tree line behind him and stepped his horse out onto the open medium of a dirt road meandering like a lazy serpent to trace the forest edge. Killian had chosen the most isolated forest in the region he could find on his map. From his modest little hamlet in his forest's center, that's to say the forest overlapping the woodland actual, he had ridden his beautiful black steed for approximately twenty miles before reaching the seldom traveled road he had come upon at woodland's edge. Seldom, he recognized, because grass grew lush and high on the mediums where wagons and horses did not tread. Traffic was evident enough however in that the tracks and ruts were solidly dirt and pebbles.
Killian always found it refreshing and tantalizing to explore an area for the very first time. To not know where this road led and to find the answer at the end of it, however far or near he had to ride or walk to get there. To meet the first humanoid he crossed paths with and hear them speak in their own dialect and make that first contact to communicate with them. His translator had never failed him on other worlds before this one. He'd find out if it failed him here. There was so much to discover on each new world his forest bridged. He looked forward to forging new acquaintances here. Oh he was vividly aware of the dangers lurking therein the unknown but Killian though cautious did not hide from unrevealed peril. Therefore he looked at the road north awhile then south and decided on a hunch to take the road south.
It was about midday as his muscular mount carried him at a pretty trot along the road. Killian had decided he'd travel until he either met a tavern, a pub or a good place to camp just shy of nightfall, whichever came first. He struck quite the figure along the road dressed all in black poised relaxed on his black horse whose mane and tail mirrored his own locks being so curly and long. Killian's raven ensemble was leather and cloth; leather boots and gloves, a leather and wool gambeson and vambraces, over wool breeches and a silk poet style shirt. The gambeson and vambraces were reinforced with studs made from a very resilient and shiny black metal from his home world. The last piece of clothing was a hooded great cloak. His was a mixture of styles from across worlds and ages that came together very handsomely. He could pass for a nobleman as easily as a highway man. Though Killian would postulate little difference between the two. Thieves appeared in all the classes and most especially the rich. In some modern worlds he might come off as retro unless being so attractively attired was the style. South he traveled at an unhurried pace though he occasionally gallopped Sid, the stallion's nickname, for both fun and exercise.
There were a few things worthy of discovering about Killian right away. He loved his horse, his hair, the pair of wolves he left at home with his daughter Nuanui, and he loved his daughter. To love was a weakness he acknowledged but he accepted the risk all the same. At peace here was a harmless, even a genial man. At war he was beyond fierce but you never saw it, only a stone cold, unreadable enemy whose cunning was dangerous to rouse. Today he was at peace. A charming and attractive friend you might make along the road. A pleasing fellow who might even lend a helping hand where needed.
Killian had several weapons on his person and saddle. A beautifully crafted bow of such a pale shade of wood with so little grain it looked made of bone but bone inlaid with gold where it was carved with ornate runes of outland elven kind in flowing vine and leaf patterns which followed the bow's curves. The fletching of his arrows were made from white banded, golden feathers. His quiver was a pale color too, natural to its rune tooled leather.
The staff strapped to his handsomely made saddle was bleached white driftwood that also looked like bone, its shaft straight but with a deep corkscrew twist from the vines that once twined it. Its eagle-claw-like rootball clutched a large, translucent crystal with moss green striations at its center that looked like actual moss, with a few flakes of gold suspended in the crystal. The elven language carved inside the deep part of the corkscrew of his staff like most designs apparent on his gear were more than just beautifully decorative. The last weapon he carried was concealed in the belt neath his cloak, a large hunting knife of black diamthrill, the same metal as his gambeson's studs. Killian hunted game and collected foods to feed himself. He used the knife to skin and butcher game, but also as a melee weapon if he had to.
He needed to discover what the game laws were in his area before he ran out of food, and see if he could stay where he was. No one else lived in that particular forest but that might not matter. He didn't care for the idea of getting arrested or hung for killing some nobleman's taboo deer or squatting in their wilderness. No. Both of those things would prove terribly inconvenient. Killian had things to offer though, in exchange for hunting rights and the land, if not to purchase then to stay and even guard the forest and its precious game for a share of it.

Heart of Durasgard
- B-5,6: Twin Rock Mountain and Falls: This remote mountain and its pair of waterfalls are a sight to behold with deep, clear pools and beaches strewn with smooth pebbles and soft sand. Semi precious gems and polished crystals can be found frequently among the pebbles.
The falls form two Rivers which flow southwest into the West Falls River, and southeast into the East Falls River.
- D,E-5,6: Dun Cair Dur Hamlet: The seat of Killian; his dwellings are high up in the canopy of six massive trees. Basket elevators reach the decks of these lofty homes which are built almost entirely of bamboo with some dead fall used for railings and other more decorative features. Below the trees is a spring house, well, shed and wash area in a large camp with a fire pit and chairs carved of solid wood from dead fall. No trees in Durasgard are ever cut unless dead or a real hazard. There is another smaller camp for guests just outside the copse of giant trees.
- C,D-6,7: The Darkening Mine: This Intriguing yet dangerous mine has several perils;
One is the dark spirit which haunts this mineral rich cavern, said to be able to possess and corrupt the will of even the most powerful sorts; Why does Killian tolerate such a presence? The spirit is one of his safeguards against thieves and tests the mettle of anyone who trespasses in the mine.
Two are the bewilderingly convoluted tunnels and chambers in this underground where getting lost is the rule moreso than the exception;
Last are the glowing pools of clear water scattered throughout the cavern, some of which have potent intoxicating and or even toxic effects. Both a wonder and a possible hazard or benefit are the luminescent pools of water that gather in small basins, some of them like natural sinks along the walls, others more like bathing pools in the floor. The significant color of the light they emit is either blue, yellow, green or red. These water basins are known as Faery Pools and occur in other places in Durasgard.
One of the wonders of the Darkening Mine is the luminescent lichen and algae growing in abundance on the cavern walls to illuminate the recesses in a pale green (lichen) or turquoise (algae) light. Edible, nutritious and even tasty enough to add to any meal, neither the Faebright Lichen or Lirglow Algea have any downside.

- D-3,4: Westcamp: This large camp is used by Killian when in the western part of his region and also by his guests and allies. It is a large camp with a fire pit, spring house, wash area, log carved chairs like his own, a shed and plenty of room for tents and accouterments; Room enough for an army encampment.
- G,H-4: Deep Pool Cascades and Pool: This beautiful West Falls River waterfall leaps down a steep cliff face into a very deep gorge of cold, pure water. One path leads down to what is actually a small lake by a large sand bar of deep sand and smooth pebbles, many of which are jaspar and agate. This lake is completely walled in by cliffs with just the one path down to its only accessible shore. One shortcut might be to jump off the cliff but one doing so must beware of rocks and know where they are. A great place to spend the day and swim once you adjust to the cold water. The River flows west from the lake into the Labyrinth but who knows where it winds thereafter.
- G,3: Deep Pool Bridge: This bridge spans the narrow west branch of the river off the lake to a beautiful little region with a great view of the Heart hemmed in on the west and south sides by the Labyrinth. The Quartz Path leads to the bridge from the north and is watched over by a grand old shapeshifter named Ishmoru.
- H,I-7,8: Three Falls Ravine: This Ravine is where the East Falls River pours and flows into the labyrinth, though the direction it runs is anyone's guess. There is no way down to this watercourse but to jump from the cliffs and the only way out of the ravine is through the labyrinth.
- Map Edge-Off Grid: The Wending Tangle Labyrinth: Durasgard, aka Cair Dur's Heart is surrounded by the labyrinth no matter which direction you go. This maze of vine and tree walls with the occasional boulder or six is impenetrable where a wall of woven verdure is present. Ever-changing as the labyrinth is there is no memorizing which paths to take or not to take. Finding a way through is a mix between a matter of will, heart and Killian's whim.

Each grid space is 4x4 miles.
The Labyrinth

Enter here if a path to the labyrinth has been accessed.
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