
General Information
Date of Creation: September 3rd, 2010
Name: Morgriff
Race: 1st Gen Vampiric Sephiroth, Astraeus Clan.
Clan: Decasey
Parents: Byron Decasey and Yvalia Talsharr (fostered to Delenna Calistori, deceased).
Month Born: Nov. 31st, Celűir, Month of Celebration, 637, 6th Age
Age: 4 years; Appearance: 17
Class: Shadow Ranger
Location: Chateau Rouge DeLune
Demeanor: friendly, sometimes aloof, kind but also dangerous, odd in his honesty and the way he perceives things.
Appearance: He is the spitting image of his father in his youth with platinum blonde hair but with lighter green-blue-grey eyes like iron. Very handsome and masculine with a full lower lip, a shapely upper lip, a fairly wide strong nose, squared jaw, well defined cheeks and chin.
Familiars: Most any animal he interacts with.
Morgriff on his Horse Cloud Chaser

- Iron Will: +10 wp.
Innate Instincts: +12 perception. - Haste: +5 mvm
- Fantastic Agility: +4 dex.
- Alluring Scent: +2 charisma
- Innate Sense of Honor: +1 willpower
- Logic Driven: +2 intelligence.
- Uncorruptable: corrupting Morgriff is extremely difficult insasmuch as his heart is so strong, his virtue so genuine and his ability to resist the negative forces of chaos so completely innate to him.
- Willpower +10.
- Chaotic Ascension: It took Morgriff awhile to realize that he had gained some unusual abilities and a great deal of power when he underwent an unexpected ascension in Haashqotaan triggered by a massive release of chaotic energy by Sarku. Among the things he gained was the ability to Eat Food, and a rare feat called Converse-Force which allows him to control anyone who attempts to control him. Reborn into a first generation vampiric sephiroth.
- Alluring Scent: attracts predators, -2 repell evil and stealth (unless dampened)
- Bluntly Honest: -2 charisma when being blunt, -5 subterfuge.
- Androgynous: attracts deviant predators and slavers, some people also may view him differently if bigender state is discovered, -4 charisma in some cases.
- Clan Enemies.
- Unique Perception: Morgriff sees things through a looking glass of uncorrupted logic, and as such others may tend to misunderstand him, or believe he is cold hearted when he is in fact the opposite.
- Bestial Tendencies: he is often animal-like in his behavior and demeanor which can result in people believing he is evil.
Innate Feats
- Instinctive Shapeshifter: he can shapeshift into any animal or person he has observed for as long as 24 hours to undergo a bonding of spirits. He can also shapeshift into any being he has killed.
- Chameleon Phasing: +10 stealth, take on exact appearance of surroundings, +5 stealth while moving.
- Shadow Planar: character is a shadow planar who can access any shadow by nexus of the shadow realm, bypassing most obstacles that might otherwise block access to an area by following a path around obstacles to a shadow which can then be manipulated from the shadowrealm side. As long as there are shadows in an area, a shadow planar can almost always access them. Shadow planars have innate shadow walking, phasing and path of shadows
- Umbral Riposte: special shadow ability, does aggravated damage and staggers -2 AR, -1 per ace on successful blocks.
- Shadow Quarter: the ability to tear someone apart by pulling called parts of them into multiple locations in the shadow realm at once. Deadly.
- Animal Kinship: understand, communicate with, and control animals
- Haste: +5 mvm.
- Will of Sarmedes: the ability to dominate the will of others to control them in any one way as called (tranquilize, terrify, rage, sleep, stillness, servility, etc., or adds will to Presence (charisma or will vs. will). Includes the ability to possess a 'host' if will can overpower the will of the target host. The vampire's body lies dormant while possessing another, or divide power with spirit to possess (willpower is shared but levels are split as called). Cost of -1 Stamina per 5 levels of willpower used to possess. These feats were passed onto him by a demon named Sarmedes who possessed him for awhile before a spectral union with Sarmedes occured.
Shapeshifter Forms

Stats: Strength-26, Stamina-38, Mvm-19, Dex-21, Leap-8 d6 feet. HP: 988, Lifespan of up to 260 years.
Information: Maelvannor elf who possessed him for a while. He can not only shift into but split off into Sarmedes as a second spectral being. He was fused with the spirit of Sarmedes while undergoing a chaotic ascension, and as that happened the entire spectral embodiment of Sarmedes, which mirrored the gothelf as he had been in life, fused with Morgriff, creating a split spectral embodiment and identity. Sarmedes has long, thick, partially braided white hair, pale rose eyes, long white lashes, and sharp but extremely handsome facial features with high cheekbones. He also bears several faded clan tatoos in indigo, one on his chest, another on his back of tree roots forming a cavity where an elf and cave wolf crouch together.
Assimilated Forms:
These are the forms of animals or creatures he has assimilated the embodiments of either by killing or a spirit union; Salt Dragon, Dune Antelope, Great Stag, Banded Deer, Red Tiger, Maned Wolf, Tiger Wolf, Red Wolf, White Throated Prism Bird.
Vampiric Forms
Silver Maned White Lion:
Stats: Strength-22, Stamina-16, Mvm-17, Dex-15, Leap-6 d6 feet, Claws+14, Bite+16. HP: 374, Lifespan of up to 260 years.
Information: Vampiric animal embodiment. Very large white lion, with sky-blue eyes and silver mane.
Vaporous Form: Chilling mist with dread presence
Shadow Form: Shadowy Form that drains life and chills on contact
Swarm of Bats: HP divided by 40, or 20 = Number of bats. Bats have 40 HP each. Each bat has +10 d6 attack. If even one bat survives an attack, the vampire can shift back into another form with remaining HP of; number of bats x 40 = HP. Bats also cause combined Distraction of +3 d6 each, vs. Perception, and have +3 flight save vs.death or capture.

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